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FIRST COMMANDMENT (Exodus 20:3-6 States): "Thou shalt not have strange gods before me. Thou shalt not make to thyself a graven thing, nor the likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or in the earth beneath, nor of those things that are in the waters under the earth. Thou shalt not adore them, nor serve them: I AM THE LORD THY GOD, mighty, jealous, visiting the iniquity of the fathers UPON THE CHILDREN, unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me:" Your cell phone is a graven thing, using it during Mass is a grave and terrible sin. If you use your cell phone during Mass, YOU ARE ADORING IT OVER GOD. Texting, reading your email will send you to HELL because your lack of honoring and loving Almighty God, but worse yet....you will curse your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren too. Why? Are you more important than the Holy Sacrifice of Jesus Christ? Are you that so irreverant that you have no fear of Almighty God? You need to go to Sacramental Confession and confess this sin immediately! | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
If you signed up to become a Victim Soul of Charity, now YOU can complete your Certificate & print it (click here) |
Make Your Own Home Protection Kits (Click here)
CAN YOU HELP OUR LOVING MOTHER'S CHILDREN (Conyers, Georgia):During the apparitions of Jesus and Mother Mary in Conyers, Georgia by visionary, Nancy Fowler (RIP), the Catholic community assisted the Pilgrims with a place to stay, food, water, and more. Two of Our Loving Mother's Children are in need of your assistance with paying their medical bills. If you can help them, please consider making a donation so they don't loose their home where many have stayed. You can visit their GoFundMe information at: https://gofund.me/d24fb5ed |
MARIE FROM FRANCE: Marie's husband is very ill with a recent diagnosis of disembowlment from a past surgery. He will require another surgery and possibly has prostrate cancer now, doctors are checking. As his health declines, the family is suffering all the more. MERCY! Help this mother, her very ill husband and their three children to buy food. They are extremely poor. Please click link to donate and read more. God bless you. https://gofund.me/1bf158c1 |
Our Mission: To bring conversion to the world, one soul at a time.We accomplish this through the manufacturing and distribution of blessed green scapulars, which are approved sacramental's of the Catholic church. Our Scapulars do not have an attached cord. Click here to read about the events that took place when our Lord sent two Angels to Anna Marie, delivering His promise of salvation for all Apostles who have their names placed on a blessed Green Scapular. |
Heavenly Message from Jesus to Pray For Protection for the United States (given May 11, 2016) “Through the intercession of our Heavenly Mother, Mother of God, and through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Savior and Redeemer of souls; we ask You Heavenly Father to stop any terror plot being planned and executed by possessed sinners who hate the children of God. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.” |
Prayer To Say When Placing Medals in Your Land or Yard “Visit, we beseech Thee, O Lord, this dwelling, and drive far from it all snares of the enemy; let Thy holy Angels dwell herein, to preserve us in peace; and let Thy blessings be always upon us through Christ our Lord. Amen.” (Raccolta #62, 5 years Indulgences.) Bury 4 canisters containing Miraculous, Holy Family, St. Benedict, St. Michael Medals; blessed Palm, exorcism salt and Green Scapulars on your land. To find out more, please read an incredible testimony from one of our Apostles in Alaska. |
To Jesus Christ, through Mother Mary Are you seeking healing and peace in your life, your home, the lives of your family members or friends; you may find it here, but it will take some work. Green Scapulars have very special graces or Charism's upon them. The Lord has given them "Spiritual" and "Physical" healing's . Spiritual healing takes place when a repentant soul returns to Jesus and the Sacraments. Through the Sacraments of Holy Communion and Sacramental Confession, we can be healed. When a person has a conversion of heart, a zeal for Jesus Christ in his/her life, a spiritual healing happens, and so does a physical healing. Physical healing takes place when a repentant soul receives those graces from Jesus and is instantly healed of his/her sickness or disease. One such event took place when a woman, just after giving birth, discovered she had breast cancer. After receiving a blessed Green Scapular, she had a miraculous healing! You can begin your renewed life by ordering your own blessed Green Scapular Kit from our Bookstore. When you receive your envelope containing 14 blessed Green Scapulars, please read the Brochure, follow the instructions and begin your new journey to Jesus, thru Mother Mary. |
Our MissionTo bring conversion to the world, one soul at a time. We accomplish this through the manufacturing and distribution of blessed green scapulars, which are approved sacramental's of the Catholic church. Our Scapulars do not have an attached cord. |
Our HistoryIn May of 1996, Anna Marie consecrated herself to the service of Jesus Christ after she was healed from severe dyslexia she was born with. As a child, Anna Marie had always endured constant demonic attacks which taunted and terrorized her. She had a deep faith and trusted Jesus would protect her. During this time, the Lord bestowed extraordinary gifts on her, such as knowing when a family member or friend was about to be harmed or was in danger. She would begin praying for him/her before the event took place so the Lord would mitigate the danger. He always did. After graduating high school, Anna Marie heard the Lord calling her to move to another city to attend college, so she did. After graduating college, being newly healed of dyslexia, Anna Marie felt the call to visit a place called Conyers, Georgia. This is where Jesus and Blessed Mother Mary were talking with a holy saintly woman, Nancy Fowler. In December of 1996, Anna Marie made the pilgrimage to Conyers, GA where she witnessed many miracles. Anna Marie witnessed during one of Nancy Fowler's apparitions, our Heavenly Mother Mary holding Baby Jesus. Which changed her life forever. After leaving Conyers, she began hearing our Lord Jesus and Blessed Mother speaking to her.In January 1997, during one of Anna Marie's monthly Rosary prayer groups, the Lord spoke to Anna marie and requested the prayer group to be called, "Apostolate of the Green Scapular". Not knowing what an Apostolate was, Anna Marie did as the Lord requested. The prayer group began writing names of their family, friends and others on blessed green scapulars, this continued daily. In October 1998, Anna Marie discovered that he statue of Blessed Mother was crying, so she got on her knees and began pleading with the Lord saying, "Jesus please tell me what to do to stop your Mother from crying. I don't want your Mother to cry. Please Jesus, tell me what to do to stop your Mother from crying!" Suddenly, a Voice spoke out load and a vision was seen. The Voice was that of Jesus, full of love, and gentle and Jesus said, "Bring My Mother More Souls!" In the vision, one green scapular miraculously appeared in front of Anna Marie's eye and flew across the room to a group of people who were standing and waiting to receive their own blessed Green Scapular. Next, another Green Scapular appeared and flew across the room to another person in the waiting crowd, then another, repeating over and over. She believed they were people still alive who were waiting to receive their own blessed Green Scapulars in the future. So this inspired the prayer group to start the web sites so others could order their "free" blessed Green Scapulars too. |
He Was Spared by Mother Mary's blessed Green Scapular We wish to offer an amazing Suicide Healing story of a young man who had committed suicide and how merciful Jesus is to those who have their name written on a blessed Green Scapular. We want to offer our Repentance Rosary Prayer Sheets, one for a man and one for a woman in a pdf, that you can use and type in their name. |
What Scripture says regarding your trials in life! "No trial has come to you but what is human. God is faithful and will not let you be tried beyond your strength; but with the trial He will also provide a way out, so that you may be able to bear it." (1 Corinthians 10:13) |